Sunday, December 19, 2010

Parka Bruthuz UK - Doll House (Buy "^H" Now!)

It's finally here. The second full length LP from the Parka Bruthuz UK. The song we posted today is called Doll House, with big drums and vocals saturated with reverb. If you want to check this full LP out, it's on sale now for $12 (plus shipping). Look for it in your local record shops, and demand it if they don't carry it. It's one of the best albums of 2010 and you'd be foolish to miss it. You can also email us at "" and request a copy at the price listed above.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Black Randy and Metrosquad - I Slept In An Arcade (KY-724A)

We're back after a few days, and back with a bang. Black Randy and Metrosquad. If only every band could have as catchy a name as that.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mitch Miller - The Yellow Rose of Texas (4-40540)

Another one of those 45's that I don't fully understand why we have in the vault. A lengthy explanation as to why we do is forthcoming, I assure you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lance Lazarr - Monkey Slyder (123456789)

I was going to upload some Geza X tonight. Or some Rolling Stones. But as I was going through the vault with Dr. Clash, he stopped me, dead serious, in a half shout. Exclaiming, "Post this! This is it!" I don't think I'll ever fully understand why.

The Lyrics.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wazmo Nariz - Tele Tele Telephone (FWAZ90)

You can't tell it from the album cover without being told to look, but Wazmo Nariz is wearing two ties. We have three copies of this 45 in our vault, but only one of them is signed. (Correction: We have two of Wazmo's 45's titled "The EP", but only one of this single. All of them are signed.) "Let me, Let me. Wazmo Nariz" is the signature. And yes, the catalog number starts with "F Waz".

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Special Full 45: The Residents - Santa Dog '78 (RR7812)

In the spirit of the holiday season that is fast approaching, Dr. Clash has requested that I post both sides of The Resident's 45 "Santa Dog '78".
Side A:
Side B:

The Gaylords - From The Vine Came The Grape (70296-X45)

I was surprised to find this in one of the deepest, darkest parts of the Compound Vault, but here it is, none the less. A strange oddity from 1954. The Gaylords do 3 genres in one song.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Nosebleeds - Ain't Bin To No Music School (TOSH102)

These guys ain't "bin" to no music school, as you'll hear them tell you.

The Hamburglars - Hamburglars' Theme (U63920MA)

I was out record shopping with a few friends when I found this in a box full of unmarked, unsorted, unlabeled 45's. They laughed at me when I bought it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Snakefinger - Kill The Great Raven (RRWIL7907)

I used to see this cover when I was a kid in our record collection, and it was one (of the many) covers that would give me vivid nightmares. I don't know how Ralph Records came up with their numbering system, but I doubt this was the 7,907th of anything that they produced.

Tuxedomoon - Egypt (SS45006)

"Egypt" is the B-Side to this Tuxedomoon 45 from 1981. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

MX-80 Sound - Someday You'll Be King (MX8001S)

I didn't like this band the first time I heard it, but it's really grown on me over the past 3 or 4 years. This is the first song I ever heard by them.

Vibrators - Baby Baby (EPC5302)

I did not know this until recently, but I guess a good friend of mine's cousin got married to this song. (It played when the walked in.) Good story, good song.

Shrapnel - Combat Love (SLT2001)

The self proclaimed "Commandos of Rock and Roll".

Infliktors - Where'd You Get That Cigarette? (AHS101)

Infliktor's 45 from 1979. Goofy looking punk rockers.

The Residents - Earth vs. The Flying Saucers (RZSR1)

Welcome to the Clash Compound Record Club. This first post we have is a rare, limited edition green Resident's single. More weird things to come. Enjoy.